- Skill Builders Speech Club (age 6+)
Skill Builders Speech Club (age 6+)
Skill Builders Speech Club
Age: 6+, RPL Members Only
1st and 3rd Mondays 3:00-4:30 @FBCR (Fall Semester starts Oct 16)
Description: Julia Morgan of Ready Set Resources has partnered with RPL to provide two classes this semester that are free to RPL Members (only $10 supply fee): Skill Builders Speakers Club and Debate League.
Skill Builders Speakers Speech Clubs are a great place to learn public speaking skills for children who need a little extra time or assistance. This includes younger children (beginning around age 6), but also older kids (up to age 17) who may be especially shy or have special needs.
The primary components (impromptu speaking, prepared speeches, and speech evaluations) are woven in with warm-up activities learning games, to provide a fun, individually-paced, progressively-challenging environment to learn public speaking skills and meeting management.
Although Skill Builders clubs are adult led, the presence of a parent or other adult aide may be required to ensure any needs are met that might arise for the member. (A parent or aide can attend to multiple children if they are siblings.)
Space is limited so be sure to reserve your space by paying your supply fee below. You click here to learn more about Julia's work and the Skill Builders approach.
Cost: Members Only; $10 Supply Fee to complete your registration
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